Triumph and Surge Application

Program Intake Appointment: 30 minutes
Hey Family!

Welcome to TRIUMPH & SURGE! We're so excited to have you as part of the program. Completing the application is just the first step, and we can't wait to get to know you better! Our TRIUMPH & SURGE team looks forward to meeting you, learning more about you, and sharing how we can support you along the way.

* = Required Fields

Student Contact Information

Student Demographic Information

Self-identification is important, and we understand that we each have our own understanding of the words used to describe our own experiences. So that we can best honor your identity and experiences, please describe how you identify in the response box below AND select (as many as you want) from the list below.

Student Education Information

First Generation Status Information

The FAFSA helps determine eligibility for federal financial aid, while the RISE Act allows undocumented and DACA students in Illinois to apply for state aid, like the Illinois MAP Grant. So, FAFSA is for federal aid, and the RISE Act is for state aid in Illinois.

Student Military Information

Additional Information

Student Response

Please provide short responses to the following questions:

Participation Agreement

The TRIUMPH&SURGE Program can help you achieve your goals by providing:

  • A professional mentor to assist with Academic career goals.
  • Group and individual academic tutoring sessions provided by ASC.
  • Presentations on specific skills necessary to be successful in college
  • Advice and assistance in course selection
  • Financial Literacy/ Planning
  • Company visits and Campus visits to four – year institutions and on campus meetings with university representatives
  • Individualized Personal, Career, and Academic Advisement
  • Academic Programs, Cultural events, and Mental health support


You can ensure your own success by:

  • Participating in workshops, academic programs, conferences, meetings, and events with advisor.
  • Participating in the mentoring program
  • Participating in check – ins, study tables, and individual or group meetings.
  • Consulting with your Student Success Advisor before adjusting class schedule.
  • Attending class regularly, staying in communication with instructor, and completing all assignments.
  • Immediately sharing with your SSA or Mentor any concerns that may affect your focus on school.
  • Reading ALLTRIUMPH&SURGE – mails at least once a day.
  • Arranging and keeping appointments with your SSA and Mentor
  • Completing TRIUMPH&SURGE Exit Interview when leaving Triton College. In completion, will cause a HOLD to be added to account.


Student Consent… I Understand:

  • TRIUMPH&SURGE may share and/or obtain information from appropriate college personnel and outside educational institutions to assist me in reaching my educational or workforce goals.
  • ALL TRIUMPH&SURGE participants must maintain a 2.5 Cumulative GPA to attend any off-campus activities.
  • ALL TRIPUMPH&SURGE participants must attend a minimum of 2 study tables sessions or ASC appointments a week.
  • That as a required component of the program, I must participate in the following:
    • Participation in workshops
    • Attendance at a minimum of three program events each semester
    • ALL participants are required to submit a completed FAFSA/RISE ACT application and at least one scholarship application annually no later than the priority deadline date
    • Participate in a minimum of 1 transfer center and career services workshop
    • I must check my Triton email and program GroupMe at least once a day.
    • Photographs, videos or other images of me maybe used to promote the Triton College TRIUMPH&SURGE Program.
    • By follow the expectations outlined above, I can ensure that I will remain in good standing with TRIUMPH&SURGE at Triton College.

Participation Information

Student Verification

By signing this application, I attest that all the information on this application is true and accurate. I authorize the release and disclosure of official school records to TRIUMPH and SURGE; understanding that the information in these records will be used only to assess need for program services, including referral for financial assistance, but not limited to scholarships, federal financial aid, work study, monitoring educational progress, evaluate the effectiveness of program activities, and fulfill program reporting requirements. I also allow TRIUMPH and SURGE and Triton College to use my image for program promotional purposes.

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