Faculty/Staff Directory

Phone: (708) 456-0300

Name Department Email Ext
Saad, George Social Science georgesaad@triton.edu
Saadeh, Osama Science osamasaadeh@triton.edu
Saffold, Monroe Biology monroesaffold@triton.edu
Salazar, Angela Arts and Sciences angelasalazar@triton.edu
Salgado, Angel Arts and Sciences angelsalgado2@triton.edu
Salimi, Mohammad Mustafa Athletics mohammadmustafasalim@triton.edu
Salin, Jase Athletics jasesalin@triton.edu
Salinas, Sheila Cashier Office sheilasalinas@triton.edu
Salmasi, Soraya Adult Education sorayasalmasi@triton.edu
Salmon, Jocelyn Business Services jocelynsalmon@triton.edu 3594
Salvador, Jose Operations and Maintenance josesalvador@triton.edu 3210
Samra, Lisa Visual Performing and Communication Arts lisasamra@triton.edu 3421
Sanchez, Christopher Network Services christophersanchez2@triton.edu 3524
Sanchez, Juan Operations and Maintenance juansanchez@triton.edu
Sander, Henry Continuing Education henrysander@triton.edu
Sanders-Weir, Rise Visual Performing and Communication Arts risesanders-weir@triton.edu
Sandoz, Celia Welcome Center celiasandoz@triton.edu
Sanei, Maxwell Science maxwellsanei@triton.edu
Sanfilippo, Beth Continuing Education bethsanfilippo@triton.edu
Santiago, Pascual Athletics santiagopascual@triton.edu
Santos, Karina Workforce Equity Initiative karinasantos@triton.edu 3746
Santos, Yuliana Financial Aid yulianasantos@triton.edu
Santoyo, Carina Admissions and Records carinasantoyo@triton.edu 3485
Sarhan, Ghazi College Readiness ghazisarhan@triton.edu
Sarma, Tulika Science tulikasarma@triton.edu
Sato Venegas, Rie Continuing Education riesatovenegas@triton.edu
Savage, Scot Programming Services scotsavage@triton.edu 3546
Sayers, Colleen Career Services colleensayers@triton.edu 3540
Schalkowski, Charles Operations and Maintenance charlesschalkowski@triton.edu 3210
Schenkel, Cheyanne Arts and Sciences cheyanneschenkel@triton.edu
Schiess, John Architecture johnschiess@triton.edu
Schiffert, Eric Staff Services ericschiffert@triton.edu 3170
Schill, Joseph Visual Performing and Communication Arts josephschill@triton.edu
Schmidt, Alan Health Sport and Exercise Science alanschmidt@triton.edu
Schmidt, Samantha Marketing samanthaschmidt@triton.edu 3166
Schmitz, Samuel Horticulture samuelschmitz@triton.edu 3333
Schoedel, Peter Engineering Technology peterschoedel@triton.edu
Schrod, Angela Educational Technology Resource Center angelaschrod@triton.edu 3361
Scipione, Michael College Readiness michaelscipione@triton.edu
Semrau, Brian Business briansemrau@triton.edu
Senese, Christyn Math christynsenese@triton.edu 3042
Serrano, Julianna Police juliannaserrano@triton.edu
Serrano, Suzanne Advising suzanneserrano@triton.edu 3034
Sharelis, April Financial Aid aprilsharelis@triton.edu 3616
Sharris, Antigone Engineering Technology antigonesharris@triton.edu 3622
Shaw, Geraldine Health Sport and Exercise Science geraldineshaw@triton.edu
Shelton, Gail ECE/Education gailshelton@triton.edu
Shelton, Jason Continuing Education jasonshelton@triton.edu
Sherman, Robert Music robertsherman@triton.edu
Shields, Nigel Arts and Sciences nigelshields@triton.edu