Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Arreola, Gabriel | Athletics | gabrielarreola@triton.edu | |
Ascencio, Jennifer | Student Services | jenniferascencio@triton.edu | 3187 |
Astorga, Ivan | Academic Success Center | ivanastorga@triton.edu | |
Atiba, Afri | Behavioral Science | afriatiba@triton.edu | |
Avelar, Leticia | Operations and Maintenance | leticiaavelar@triton.edu | |
Avelar, Miguel | Operations and Maintenance | miguelavelar@triton.edu | 3210 |
Avila, Leslie | Academic Success Center | leslieavila@triton.edu | |
Badame, Michael | Continuing Education | michaelbadame@triton.edu | |
Bagby, Timothy | Shipping and Receiving | timbagby@triton.edu | 3475 |
Baker, Melissa | Programming Services | melissabaker@triton.edu | 3883 |
Baker, Sandra | Continuing Education | sandrabaker@triton.edu | |
Baleanu, Elizabeth | Continuing Education | elizabethbaleanu@triton.edu | |
Bales, Mary | Biology | marybales@triton.edu | |
Banks, Lasondra | Business | lasondrabanks@triton.edu | |
Bansley, Joseph | Continuing Education | josephbansley@triton.edu | |
Barajas, Wilson | Physics | wilsonbarajas@triton.edu | |
Barakat, Yosof | Continuing Education | yosofbarakat@triton.edu | |
Barfield, Yanika | Workforce Equity Initiative | yanikabarfield@triton.edu | 3151 |
Barrera, Luis | Academic Success Center | luisbarrera@triton.edu | |
Bartley, Jeanette | Arts and Sciences | jeanettebartley@triton.edu | 3508 |
Bastian, Joseph | Continuing Education | josephbastian@triton.edu | |
Battistoni, Maria | Business | mariabattistoni@triton.edu | |
Bavone, Christina | Arts and Sciences | christinabavone@triton.edu | 3933 |
Baxter, Sean | Arts and Sciences | seanbaxter@triton.edu | |
Beacham, Anthony | Fitness Center | anthonybeacham@triton.edu | |
Becerra, Alexia | Assessment Services | alexiabecerra@triton.edu | |
Becker, Daniel | Architecture | danielbecker@triton.edu | |
Beglau, Gregg | Adult Education | greggbeglau@triton.edu | 3676 |
Beharaj, Jonida | Radiologic Technology | jonidabeharaj@triton.edu | |
Beltran, Alexander | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | alexanderbeltran@triton.edu | |
Benedetto, Corinne | Adult Education | corinnebenedetto@triton.edu | 3702 |
Benitez, Lauren | Health Sport and Exercise Science | laurenbenitez@triton.edu | 3826 |
Benson, Erica | Continuing Education | ericabenson@triton.edu | |
Bergholz, Katherine | Visual Communication/Graphics | katherinebergholz@triton.edu | |
Bermudez, Jose | Architecture | josebermudez@triton.edu | |
Berrones, Lucero | Library | luceroberrones@triton.edu | |
Berry, Michael | Continuing Education | michaelberry@triton.edu | |
Berryhill, Sandra | Counseling | sandraberryhill@triton.edu | 3369 |
Betancourt, Melody | Police | melodybetancourt@triton.edu | 3570 |
Betke, Jason | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | jasonbetke@triton.edu | |
Beuchel, Joseph | Science | josephbeuchel@triton.edu | 3004 |
Bilbao-Romero, Jasmine | Hospitality Industry Administration | jasminebilbao-romero@triton.edu | |
Biros, Jacob | Emergency Medical Technician | jacobbiros@triton.edu | |
Bizzle, Jeramie | Enrollment Services | jeramiebizzle@triton.edu | 3277 |
Blahut, Andrew | Athletics | andrewblahut@triton.edu | 3755 |
Blair, Lajuan | Operations and Maintenance | lajuanblair@triton.edu | 3210 |
Bland, Alexis | Health Careers | alexisbland@triton.edu | |
Blaylock, Andrea | Engineering Technology | andreablaylock@triton.edu | 3507 |
Bobb, Andre | Student Services | andrebobb@triton.edu | 3752 |
Booker, Thomas | Operations and Maintenance | thomasbooker@triton.edu | 3210 |