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Education Department Appointments

Elementary Education, Associate in Arts (Grades 1 through 6)
Pathway: Elementary Education
Degree Type: Associate in Arts
Curriculum Code: EDU.EED.AA (U224A12)
Total Program Credits: 61-62

The Elementary Education Associates in Arts Transfer Pathway is designed for students interested in teaching at the elementary, secondary, or special education levels. All course requirements are the same regardless of which pathway you choose:
Elementary Education (grades 1-6);
Secondary Education (grades 9-12); and
Special Education (grades Pre-K-12).
The Education Associates in Arts degree program at Triton College will prepare you to transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree in education. Our education programs will provide you with an optimal learning environment that provides small class sizes, innovative teaching techniques and real-world field experiences in our on-site Child Development Center or at high quality programs and schools within the community.

Students will be introduced to foundational concepts and best practices in the areas of human growth and development, curriculum and instruction, teaching exceptional learners, anti-bias instruction, educational psychology, classroom culture and collaboration, assessment and observation.

Admission into baccalaureate degree programs is competitive and most senior institutions require a Grade Point Average of 2.5 or higher. A "C" or higher is required in all coursework at Triton College and senior institutions. Completion of these courses alone does not guarantee admission into the senior institution.

Transfer courses may vary per baccalaureate institutions. All program courses may not transfer to four-year institutions.

Upon successful completion of the Associate in Arts Degree (Elementary Education Transfer Pathway) emphasis, the graduate will be able to:

PLO #1: describe appropriate technological resource to support instruction;
PLO #2: design instruction that meets the diverse needs of students;
PLO #3: describe the theories and philosophies of learning and human development;
PLO #4: distinguish how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning;
PLO #5: apply common core standards in all aspects of curriculum and instruction; and
PLO #6: describe the roles and responsibilities of teachers.
(Spring 2022)

To learn more about careers in education and to plan a program of study, including identifying the teacher preparation program of interest, students are advised to contact the advising department to be directed to the  counselor(s) for education.

Students who intend to transfer are advised to complete the foreign language courses required by their intended transfer institution, college within a university, and/or major, prior to transferring

.Female Teacher Photo


* All course requirements are the same regardless of which pathway you choose.


Room D-122

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Education Cohort Program

Education Cohort Program Information

For more information about the Education Cohort Program, contact Angela

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Success Stories

Yulissa Escontrias-Reyes

Marielena Juarez

Kamila Nalodka

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Contact Information

Full Time Faculty

Angela Staunton
(708) 456-0300 Ext. 3257


Part Time Faculty

Terri McConville
Education Faculty

Dr. Kennedi Strickland Dixon
Education Adjunct Faculty


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