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COVID-19 Information

It is very important to frequently check the Triton COVID-19 web page for updates so that you are aware of information and safety protocols when coming to campus.

COVID-19 Information

There's A Place For You

With cutting-edge facilities, quality faculty and staff, and exceptional programs and services, Triton College is the perfect place to start, continue, or finish your education. Whether you're looking to retrain for a new career or are just getting started out of high school, we have something to help you succeed.

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$1.85M in scholarships awarded by Triton College last year
120+ Degree & Certificate Offerings
278 All-American Athletes
$153 USD Per In-district credit hour

Triton Pride

Kailee Harper of Brookfield is the Triton College student trustee for the 2024-2025 school year. As a member of the board, Harper must attend Triton College’s monthly board meetings and be a liaison between the board and the college’s student population. read more...

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